Discovering Kenya

A FREE e-zine dedicated to give you the latest, most exciting news and updates to discover Kenya

August, 2005 ISSUE #011

Jambo and Asante Sana for becoming a ‘Discovering Kenya‘ Member.

Summer is almost over and it has been a busy and productive one for Kenya Travel Ideas. There are all sorts of new additions, pictures, information and links added to the site. From new animal pictures, volunteering in Kenya, list of Kenya’s wildlife, Kenya camping and more Swahili translations. There are also, as always, some Kenya local news. ;-)

One more thing; Monika from Germany is looking for some help in getting back in touch with her missing pen pal. He celebrated his 59th birthday in July (born 1955) and his name is Leonard Olgugu/Njoroge Kinangop. If you have any information, please email me and I will forward your message on to Monika. Many thanks.

But now, without having you wait any longer, here we go. Get yourself comfortable, kick off your shoes and enjoy this times edition of ‘Discovering Kenya‘ will be short and sweet, with lots of exciting new things.

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1. Intro
2. Contents
3. New additions to KTI
- New page about Kenya Camping
- New pages about Swahili
- Volunteer in Kenya
- Add-ons to Kenya Animals page
- New links in Kenya Newspapers & Kenya Radio Stations
4. Son renamed after winning Gold
5. KWS revamps National Parks
6. AWF Beads for Education


New additions to KTI:

- New page about Kenya Camping
Although not having a lot of camping sites yet, there are a good amount of places that offer good sites and you can have a fantastic time camping there. Some places are also equipped to provide camping opportunities for the whole family.
Kenya Camping

- New pages about Swahili
This page will provide you with the most essential English-Swahili translations you might need on your safari. It’s always great to know a little bit of the local language and it makes a big impression. It is a fantastic tool to break the ice.

Please visit: Swahili

- Volunteering in Kenya
Maybe you’re looking for another way to discover Kenya and learn first hand about this amazing country and it’s people. Volunteering will definitely provide you with many opportunities. This page will give you some ideas and places to start your search with.
Volunteer in Kenya

- Add-ons to Kenya Animals page
It’s time to check out Kenya Animals again! There is a new “List of Kenya wildlife” and new information and pictures for Buffalos, Leopard, Giraffe and Zebras.
Kenya Animals

- New links in Kenya Newspapers & Kenya Radio Stations
In an effort to provide you with new and updated information about those two areas, I added new links to additional newspapers with Kenya news and also more links to local Radio stations in Kenya.

Son renamed after winning Gold
BBC August 16, 2005
Kenyan athlete Benjamin Limo has renamed his new-born son Helsinki following his victory in the 5,000m at the World Athletics Championships.

Limo's wife Margaret said she told her husband he had to win the race in honor of his son, who was born last Monday - six days before the race. When Limo duly delivered the gold medal, they agreed to stop calling their son Tony and rename him Helsinki.

Limo's victory in the Finnish capital was seen as a shock. He won silver in the 1999 championships.

"I called him soon after delivering our first baby boy at Eldoret Family Care Hospital and gave him the challenge to win him a gold medal," Margaret told the Standard newspaper. The couple has three girls.

KWS (Kenya Wildlife Services) revamps National Parks
August 11, 2005

Up to 70% of tourist attractions in Kenya are wildlife and now the Kenya Wildlife Service has begun a campaign to increase revenue from the country's eight game parks.

Speaking during the re-branding of Lake Nakuru National Park, KWS Director, Dr. Julius Kipngetich said re-branding Lake Nakuru, Amboseli, Aberdare, Tsavo East and West, Mt. Elgon, Mt. Kenya, and Nairobi national parks will cost 40 million shillings.

Kipngetich says this will involve paying more attention to wildlife conservation using the latest technologies, making better use of Information and Communications Technology and to ensure all strategies are market driven. Tourism and Wildlife Minister, Morris Dzoro who was guest of honor during the function said the government has approved a new KWS organizational structure and appointed key personnel to help in implementing the organization's strategic plan.

KWS Head of Marketing and Business Development, Alex Odero says the re-branding begun in Lake Nakuru, which is KWS' highest earning park, with annual revenue of 335 million shillings.   The re-branding is expected to increase the park's revenue by up to 40 million shillings and that of KWS from 1.1 billion shillings to 1.6 billion shillings per annum.

AWF (Africa Wildlife Foundation) Beads for education
05 August 2005
BEADS FOR EDUCATION Announces its First Annual Break The Chains Of Illiteracy Walkathon
100 miles from Isinya to Amboseli National Park, Kenya on January 5-12, 2006.

BEADS for Education is an organization dedicated to improving the status of women in Kenya through women’s business development and girls education. Working closely with AWF, BEADS developed a successful Maasai women’s cooperative in 1993. Today, the Dupoto Women’s Group makes beautiful hand-crafted beaded products which include dog collars, bowls, coasters, and many other unique items. Traditional Maasai jewelry is also promoted. These products are often the only source of income for the women who support more than 125 children.

This year, BEADS for Education is putting together a 100-mile Walkaton to raise awareness about the need for education amongst Maasai communities and to raise much-needed funds. The Break the Chains of Illiteracy Walkathon will take place from January 5th – 12th, 2006. Walkers will walk from Isinya to Amboseli National Park. Since 1998 BEADS has provided full scholarships for Kenyan girls to attend school, and now sponsors more than 200 girl in Isinya and Amboseli. BEADS also cultivates Human Rights Awareness and will sponsor its first girls’ initiation ceremony this August, and helps women to become economically independent through small business cooperatives.

For more information about this walk please visit: AWF Headlines & Highlights and also Beads for Education

This is it for this times edition, Kwa heri (Good by) for now and all the very best.

Until next time.


PS: If you are interested in finding out a little bit more about me, feel free to venture out to 'What started KTI'.

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