Discovering Kenya

A FREE e-zine dedicated to give you the latest, most exciting news and updates to discover Kenya

Jambo and Asante Sana for being a ‘Discovering Kenya‘ Member.

Thank you for subscribing to “Discovering Kenya” and to the community. Enjoy and Welcome!!

The New Year is here and I wanted to send you all some happy belated wishes for a fantastic 2008!

I also thought to drop you a line and let you know what’s new and exciting at Kenya Travel Ideas. I did a little bit of regrouping last year and now I’m ready and all wound up again to tell you more about Kenya. And yes, there is lots going on there right now, but the latest news are promising. On that note, all the best wishes go out to everybody in Kenya to have peace and quiet times again very soon.

Here we go:

- My Kenya Favorites – I decided that it was time to sit down and make a list of things that make me go back to this country over and over again AND share them with you. Some of you have shared your travel experiences and favorites and I thought you might be interested in finding out about mine. ;-) Please do keep sending Your Favorites, as I love to learn about new places and adventures that you discover and I will post them to share with everybody.

- New Recipes – I’ve been digging for new recipes and found some great ones. There are some additions to the general Kenya recipes page and especially some for the dessert page. Yum! Check them out!

- Kenya Animals – The Kenya Animals pages have gotten a little bit of an overhaul and the Wildlife List is now a direct link from the Navigation bar. I thought it deserved the better place as it’s been getting quite a few hits and it is faster to access now. I’m also in the process of adding some more information as well, the Gerenuk being the latest addition.

- Safaris 2008 – This will be exciting and the pages should be up shortly. It will be a different route this time and there will be more flexibility. - Also, we are working on a Wedding/Honeymoon safari with 2 different budget options. – Will send a note when it is all set up.

Will keep it short this time and wish you all a lovely morning, afternoon and evening.

Kwaheri and all the best,


PS: If you are interested in finding out a little bit more about me, feel free to venture out to 'What started KTI'.

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