Discovering Kenya

A free monthly e-zine dedicated to give you the latest, most exciting news and updates to discover Kenya

March 10, 2004 ISSUE #004

Jambo and Asante Sana for becoming a ‘Discovering Kenya‘ Member.

Can you believe it is already March? We are having a little heat wave at the moment here in California, in Europe it is still snowing and Kenya is just before the long rainy season, which is from mid March to May. If you hurry, you can still get there before the rain; on the other hand, if you get there during the rainy season, you will have less tourists and you might catch some very good deals.
Regardless, it's time to get yourself comfortable, relax your mind and enjoy!... and I promise to make it short and sweet, with exciting news and updates.

1. Intro
2. Contents
3. New additions of the Month
- New page about Kenyan People
4. Italians train in Kenya
5. Brand new Daily Nation
6. Eco-tourism & Ivory trade
7. Local News


New additions of the Month:

a. New Page about the People in Kenya
This new page gives a little more insight into the different tribes and history about the people that live in Kenya. From the Kikuyu, the Maasai and the Samburu, (to name a few, but probably best known) the differences are not huge, but as far as every tribal group is concerned, very important!!

To learn more, please visit our new 'Kenya People' page.

Italians train in Kenya
The ‘Daily Nation’ reported in February that an Italian national women’s golf team of 30 players could train in Kenya ahead of next year’s international assignments if ongoing negotiations succeed.

The negotiations are currently taking place between the Italian Golf Federation, Intra Safaris, the Golf school of Italy and the management of Leisure Golf Club in South Coast where the team will camp for a month either in November or January next year.

The woman’s team coach, Enrico Trentin said the golf club consists of ten top Italian women players and would be accompanied by five coaches.

“It has been decided that because of the severe cold weather in Europe around the end of the year, the team should train in Kenya where the weather is favorable,” Trentin said.

He has been in the country to inspect the facilities at the South Coast course and said he had been impressed by the facilities and would recommend that the team comes to train here.

How cool is this?! I think I need to get started playing golf. ;)

Brand new Daily Nation
There will be and is already to some degree a new look to the ‘Daily Nation’. The Navigation is a little easier, there will be more content especially in the Business section and there is a new Leisure and Entertainment section. Another new feature is the chance to interact with others through Discussion Forums and also the opportunity to comment on articles.

The whole layout is a lot more professional, with less advertisement and a lot more information. Here is the link if you’d like to give it a look.

Eco-tourism & Ivory trade
Chris Campbell Clause is the executive director of the Kigio Wildlife Conservancy and the Malewa River Lodge. He entered into partnership with the board of Kigio Group Company Ltd in 1997 after recognizing the potential for tourism on this beautiful river-front and the 3,500 acre facility.
The area was initially a dairy and beef cattle ranch that was proving difficult for the owners to run. So to make proper use of the land, emphasis was placed on wildlife management, conservation and eco-tourism, which meant the farm had to be returned to a natural state.
In 1998 the directors of Kigio Group Company committed itself to the development of a small 12-bed eco-lodge.
The magnificent mud-walled, grass-thatched Malewa River Lodge was designed by Clause and build by small teams of local artisans using materials harvested from the area.
The wildlife you can find there includes buffaloes, zebras, impalas, Thomson’s Gazelles, elephants, warthogs and dikdiks, among others.
As part of the initiative to further diversify wildlife species in the conservancy, the management applied to the KWS for permission to re-introduce endangered species.
Permission was granted and some of Kenyan’s most threatened Rothschild giraffes, of which there were only 250-350 remaining worldwide, were picked out for relocation to Kigio.
In March 2003, Malewa River Lodge was awarded a Bronze rating by the Eco-tourism Society of Kenya, for its contribution to sustainable tourism through preserving Kenya’s environmental/cultural heritage.
Canoeing, rock climbing, horse riding and mountain hiking are among the activities one can engage while in the conservancy, which is situated 12 km off the busy Nairobi-Nakuru highway.

The Daily Nation reported on March 5th, that Kenya’s opposition to uncontrolled trade in ivory has won the backing of eight other African countries.
Ghana, Tunisia, Mali, Congo, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Cameroun and Uganda agreed to back continued ban on the ivory trade until seven conditions on the sale from Southern African Countries are fulfilled.
The countries have pledged to support a document Kenya intends to present during the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species meeting in Switzerland on March 15.
( I will keep a close eye on this one, being a big Elephant lover and all!!)

Local News
After all the news last month about the Matatu (taxi) overhaul and the new traffic rules, I was very interested to see and hear from a Local how the situation developed. So I asked my friend, who lives on the outskirts of Nairobi and who’s wife travels every day clear across Nairobi to work, how things are.
He reports: “Matatus are doing their best to adopt the new rules and regulations, and a notable change for the better is evidence now. The transport problem is easing every day with more matatus getting back on the road. The only problem is that the fares have gone up, straining the commuter’s budgets.”
I read an article the other day that now, with the new traffic rules in place and lower accident rates, the Insurance Premiums for matatus are reduced by about 16%. Which should help stabilize those fares. I will check back with my friend in a few weeks on this issue and keep you updated.
It will be great to have these matatus as another reliable source to travel around in Kenya. Also for a descend price and not with the thought in mind, that one might not get to the desired destination because of risky driving and vehicle conditions.

This will be it for now, whishing everybody a wonderful month, Kwa heri (Good by) Until next time.


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