Universal Currency Converter

Need to convert some Dollars into Kenyan Shillings or vice versa?

This Currency Converter can get you the exchange rate for both and give you the right numbers in a flash.

It also has tons of other countries listed, that you might need in the future. You never know where you might end up traveling one day?!

A little history about the Kenyan Shilling:

In 1966 it replaced the East African shilling at par.

You can find coins in denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. A 40 shilling coin was introduced in 2003, baring the portrait of President Kibaki to commemorate the 40th anniversary of independence.

For notes you will find 100, 200, 500 and 1000 with Kenyatta’s picture to commemorate independence as well. They were issued in 2003.

Banknote are printed in by De La Rue in Nairobi.

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